The cold within The lasy man of this forlorn group Did nought except for gain. Giving only to those who gave Was how he played the game. Their logs held tight in death's still hand Was proof of human sin. They didn't die from the cold without They died from cold within Answers1 . The phrase 'forlorn group' means a group of people sad and lonely. The poet says that all the person near the fire were selfish. The figure of speech used here is oxymoron. It is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction. Answer2 . The game referred here is the game played by the last man which was based on the give and take policy which means he didn't want to give anything to anyone unless he would get som...
Total english practice paper 1 solution *Note: this post only covers the grammer portion of the practice paper So Question 5 a) Every year on June 5 the world comes together to observe 'World Environment day' to promote and encourage environmental responsibility and conservation of the natural resources. The need is to understand and shoulder the responsibilities thay each one of us has towards mother nature. The economy is important but so is the need to understand the carrying capacity of nature. The covid 19 pandemic has exposed all the myths and realities regarding our development agendas and has rendered us vulnerable in every aspect. Expansion of economies has to be hand in hand keeping in view the environmental constraints in mind and not meddle with them in any way. b) Fill in the blank with appropriate words 1. He broke down in the middle of his speech. 2. She always beats with ...